You came to feel better. Improve with my Coaching.

Get personalized Coaching to improve your relationships and achieve your goals.

Cómo te puedo apoyar

Coaching Personal

Mejora tus relaciones y tu bienestar

Constelaciones Familiares

Resuelve patrones repetitivos en tu vida

Coaching Grupal

Para beneficio personal u organizacional

Hola, soy Nicolas Raute

I overcame my own major setbacks and discovered that my purpose is to help others, gaining the right training and experience over 10 years to support you better.


years of training and experience in coaching techniques


satisfied clients


years of life experience 😄

About my Coaching and Family Constellations

I trained for 8 years in the various techniques I use, and I experienced them firsthand in my own personal transformation. I know what it’s like to go through difficult times.

Throughout my work, I have refined my processes to help people achieve their goals more easily and quickly. They have my support as someone who genuinely cares and makes it easier for them to learn and apply useful tools.

What's next?

Book a free session

We will review the changes you want to achieve and determine the best solution for your needs.

We create a plan together.

We will set next steps and dates.

Experience Positive Change

You will learn and implement proven strategies to empower you and create the life you truly desire!

Satisfied coachees

Read what clients have said about me


He helped me understand many aspects of my personality and how I relate to others.


Ana H.


Nicolas is absolutely trustworthy, responsible, and capable of guiding others to uncover and confront hidden or ignored emotions.


Eduardo V.


It is a professional service with extensive experience. Nicolas has something very special in his approach—his cordial and close manner while remaining objective.


Daniel R.


Here are answers to common questions

¿What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a collaborative process that helps you identify and achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and improve your overall well-being.

¿How long does it take?

The duration of coaching varies depending on individual needs and goals. It can range from a few weeks to several months.

¿What are the benefits?

Coaching helps you gain clarity on your goals, develop effective strategies, overcome challenges, and enhance personal and professional growth. It also improves self-awareness, confidence, decision-making, and overall well-being.

¿What is the price?

The cost varies depending on the services provided. Schedule a free initial consultation for more information.

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