Descubrir lo sanador de las Constelaciones Familiares y aplica sus aprendizajes a tu propia vida, todo durante 3 horas
Imagina dejar atrás aquellos bloqueos que no te sirven y poder retomar la vida de la manera que tú deseas, con paz y felicidad.
Juan Luis P.
Ciudad de Panamá
jueves 3 de abril 2025
Dirección será enviada a quien haya asegurado su cupo
Todos participarán en un ejercicio grupal de Constelaciones.
Algunas personas serán seleccionadas para Constelar un tema particular, a beneficio de todos.
Los aprendizajes de las constelaciones aplican a tu propia situación, para ayudar a resolver problemas repetitivos
No requieres experiencia previa. Te guiaré en un ejercicio grupal en que te beneficiarás de las Constelacioines Familiares.
Luego del ejercicio grupal, habrá Constelaciones de algunos individuos. Los temas suelen ser universales (relaciones, abundancia, salud, etc.) así que sacaras aprendizajes para tu propia vida al ver a otros encontrar y resolver sus obstáculos en estos temas. Incluso quizá tengas oportunidad de participar en alguna Constelación. No es obligatorio participar (¡nada lo es! Se vale solo observar).
3 videos informativos
Por correo te compartiré de inmediato 3 breves videos informativos para que aprendas cómo sacarle aún más provecho de las Constelaciones, entendiendo qué puedes hacer antes, durante, y después de ellas.
Tendremos tiempo durante el evento para compartir experiencias y responder preguntas.
Autorizo a GESTRAL SAS (empresa de Nicolas) a que me contacte y podré revocar la autorización cuando quiera.
"He participado en 2 eventos con Nicolas con resultados muy positivos. Te recomiendo que lo intentes"
Carolina S.
Natalia G.
Mónica F.
Todos los derechos reservados ⓒ Gestral SAS 2025 | |Política de Privacidad | Términos y Condiciones
Martin Luker
Owner/Founder of Power Solar
Founder, Solar Company
Orbit Industry
Here at Prospect Bacon we hate giving you used leads or mis led leads that can cause frustration on your side. We have already worked out how to Disqualify bad leads sent your way, so you only get the highest quality! We never re sell you leads so every time you get a self generated appointment, those people are highly motivated to buy and WANT to talk to you!
Once your ads are live and capturing attention on the two largest social media platforms, homeowners will start funneling into your inbox--ready to buy solar. All while your personal Media Buyers follow our time tested formula to keep your ads fresh so you always have consistent quality leads to sell 💪
You can expect to see leads come in the first day you launch. Appointments will seem to book themselves with the help of our in house call center and automated call and text follow ups. After you close your first few deals you’ll understand what makes Prospect Bacon the most trusted solar marketing agency.
Hey, I’m Josiah Atkins CEO of Prospect Bacon, and if you’re in the solar biz my story might sound REALLY familiar.
I was knocking doors ALL the time, and was about to be the proud papa of some twins. And constantly worrying about where the next deal was coming from was getting old. So I turned to a marketing company, dished out $4723 AND...
got 3 leads. I knew that generating leads online was working for others though. Something was VERY WRONG.
Somehow I got blessed by being both a pretty good salesman, and a bit of a creative type: So I dove head first into marketing for myself.
What I realized is that most lead-gen companies focus on volume, cheap costs and have about as much originality as a late night infomercial (the bad ones, not cool infomercials like the tape that will hold a sinking boat together!)
After figuring out a pretty good marketing strategy, sales and scaling strategies to win at solar marketing and deal closing, I decided to start Prospect Bacon to deliver solar marketing that doesn’t suck to the whole Solar Industry.
And that ethos flows through Prospect Bacon to this day.
Now a few years later we have a huge team with creative types, tech gurus, and marketing experts managing about a million dollars of adspend every month.
And we’ve figured out the prospects, deals, and partnerships that matter the MOST to your growing business.
So don’t settle for leads. Close deals instead.
If you rely solely on word-of-mouth referrals, you'll never achieve a consistent, predictable flow of patient leads
If you don’t have anyone on staff who can dedicate their time solely to marketing and patient acquisition, you can't grow
If you do have a marketing staff, they’re typically spread too thin to actually be strategic and effective.
For the past twelve years, our team of healthcare marketing experts have been trusted by hundreds of the nation’s leading surgeons to deliver them a consistent pipeline of qualified patient leads each and every month.
We'll discuss your practice's needs and the unique challenges you face to see if we're a good fit– no obligation to work with us whatsoever. But if we're a good fit...
We'll build unique lead magnets for your practice like Self-Tests and Savings Calculators that draw patients in and make you the obvious choice for their procedure.
We'll get everything hooked up to your systems and kick off your campaigns. All you have to do is sit back and watch the leads flow in and your surgery schedule fill up...